Select Tournament Team Opportunities

Select Teams

We offer select teams for the fall and summer seasons. This past summer, we had 9 strong teams with players from six spring clubs and over 13 high schools. We anticipate multiple teams for most age groups by summer 2022. Select teams are primarily coached by some of the top high school and college coaches in the area, as well as other coaches who have played in college and have significant coaching experience. You win with people! We put a significant emphasis on training and development each season, and high school teams participate in 2-3 recruiting tournaments a season.

91 National

91 National is the country’s premier select destination. 91 National will have players from all 91 regions including: Long Island, Maryland, Tri-State, Colorado, Northside (us), Charlotte, Carolina, Texas, Georgia, & New Jersey. National teams compete in some of the top tournaments nationwide!

91 Western Elite

91 Western Elite is a new regional select option for our top players. Western Elite will include players from Team 91 Northside, Team 91 Colorado, and other Team 91 organizations from surrounding regions. Combining between western regions helps us build teams that compete on the national level, and guarantee us more representation than the National program does. Play with the best in the West! 

91 Chrome

91 Chrome is new starting in 2021! This is a new Northside team option for our 2024 & 2023 select players. We will be combining the top players from our 24/23 teams to compete in the IMLCA Holiday Exposure Tournament on December 11-12. 91 Chrome will compete in one extra tournament each fall/summer season.